Is Deep Learning Secure for Robots?

Han Wu, Dr. Johan Wahlström and Dr. Sareh Rowlands, University of Exeter

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Adversarial Driving

Attacking End-to-End Driving Models  

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CARLA Autonomous Driving Leaderboard
  • Almost all the top 10 teams on the leaderboard use end-to-end driving models.
  • End-to-End driving models lead to smaller systems and better performance.

Adversarial Attacks against End-to-End Driving

The NVIDIA End-to-End Driving Model

Adversarial attacks against image classification [1]

Adversarial attacks against object detection  

[1] J. Z. Kolter and A. Madry, Adversarial Robustness - Theory and Practice, NeurIPS 2018 tutorial.

Problem Definition
  • Given an input image 𝑥 and the end-to-end driving model $ y = f(\theta, x) $.
  • Our objective is to generate an adversarial image $ x^{'} = x + \eta $ such that:
  • $$ y^{'}=f(𝜃,x^{'}) \neq y $$
  • To ensure that the perturbation is unperceivable to human eyes:
  • $$ \Vert x^{'}-x \Vert_2 = \Vert{\ \eta\ }\Vert_2 \leq \xi, \text{where } \xi=0.03 $$
  • For offline attacks, we can use pre-recorded human drivers' steering angles as the ground truth $y^*$.
  • $$ \eta = \epsilon\ sign(\nabla_x J(y,\ y^{*} )) $$
  • For a real-time online attack, we do not have access to the ground truth $y^*$.
  • $$ \eta = \epsilon\ sign(\nabla_x J(y)) $$

Random Noises

Image-Specific Attack

  • Output: Steering Angle 𝑦∈[-1, 1]
  • Decrease the output (left):
  • $$ J_{left}(y)= - y $$
  • Increase the output (right):
  • $$ J_{left}(y)= y $$

Image-Agnostic Attack

Adversarial Detection

Attacking Object Detection in Real Time  

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Adversarial Filter

Adversarial Patch

Adversarial Overlay

How different attacks apply the perturbation $\delta$ using a binary mask $m \in \{0, 1\}^{wh}$

$x^{'}_{filter} = x + \delta$         $x^{'}_{overlay} = x + m \odot \delta$         $x^{'}_{patch} = (1-m) \odot x + m \odot \delta$

Given an input image $x$, the object detection model outputs $S \times S$ candidate bounding boxes $o \in \mathcal{O}$ at three different scales.

Each candidate box $o^i$ contains $(b_x^i, b_y^i, b_w^i, b_h^i, c^i, p_1^i, p_2^i, ..., p_K^i)$ for K classes, where $0 \leq i \leq |\mathcal{O}|$.

$$\begin{aligned} \text{One-Targeted}:\ \mathcal{L}_{adv}^{1}(\mathcal{O}) &= \max_{1 \leq i \leq |\mathcal{O}|}\ [\sigma(c^i) * \sigma(p^i_t)] \\ \text{Multi-Targeted}:\ \mathcal{L}_{adv}^{2}(\mathcal{O}) &= \sum^{|\mathcal{O}|}_{i = 1}\ [\sigma(c^i) * \sigma(p^i_t)] \\ \text{Multi-Untargeted}:\ \mathcal{L}_{adv}^{3}(\mathcal{O}) &= \sum^{|\mathcal{O}|}_{i = 1} \sum_{j=1}^{K}\ [\sigma(c^i) *\sigma(p^i_j)] \end{aligned}$$

where $|\mathcal{O}| = \sum_{1 \leq i \leq 3} S_i \times S_i \times B$, and $S_i$ represents the grid size of the $i_{th}$ output layer ($S \in \{13,26,52\}$, $B=3$).

Adversarial Classification

Distributed Black-box Attacks against Image Classification  

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DeepAPI - The Cloud API we attack

We open-source our image classification cloud service for research on black-box attacks.

DeepAPI Deployment

Using Docker

                            $ docker run -p 8080:8080 wuhanstudio/deepapi
                            Serving on port 8080...

Using Pip

                            $ pip install deepapi

                            $ python -m deepapi
                            Serving on port 8080...

How to accelerate Black-Box attacks?

Cloud APIs are deployed behind a load balancer that distributes the traffic across several servers.

Local Models & Cloud APIs

Most prior research used local models to test black-box attacks.

We initiate the black-box attacks directly against cloud services.

Attacking Cloud APIs is more challenging than attacking local models

Attacking cloud APIs achieve less success rate than attacking local models.

Attacking cloud APIs requires more queries than attacking local models.

Horizontal Distribution

Horizontal distribution reduces the total attack time by a factor of five.

Vertical Distribution

Vertical distribution achieves succeesful attacks much earlier.


The Man-in-the-Middle Attack

A Hardware Attack against Object Detection  

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Deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks.

To achieve real-time adversarial attacks, we need to solve two problems:

  • How to generate the perturbation? (The PCB Attack)
  • How to apply the perturbation? (The Man-in-the-Middle Attack)
Step 1: Generating the perturbation (The PCB Attack)

  • Objective:
  • $$ \min_{\mathcal{W}} \ \mathcal{L}_{train} = f(\mathcal{W}; x, \mathcal{O}) \;\;\;\; \max_{x} \ \mathcal{L}_{adv} = f(x; \mathcal{O}^{\ast}, \mathcal{W}) $$
  • Adversarial Loss:
  • $$ \mathcal{L}_{PC}(x) = \sum{\sigma(c_i) * \sigma(p_i)} \;\;\;\; \mathcal{L}_{PCB}(x) = \frac{\sum{(\sigma(c_i) * \sigma(p_i)}}{\sum{[\sigma(w_i) * \sigma(h_i)]^2}} $$
Step 1: Generating the perturbation (The PCB Attack)

Prior Research                                                             Our Method


No learning rate decay                                                 With learning rate decay

Our method generates more bounding boxes, and have less variation.

Step 2: Applying the perturbation (The Man-in-the-Middle Attack)

Is Deep Learning Secure for Robots?


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