Is Deep Learning Secure for Robots?
Han Wu, Dr. Johan Wahlström and Dr. Sareh Rowlands, University of Exeter
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Hi, I'm Han Wu, a third-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science. Here's my resarch question: Is Deep Learning Secure for Robots?
It is no more a secret that deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We can attack deep learning models by adding human unperceivable perturbations to the input image.
We can attack the end-to-end driving model, the object detection model, the image classification cloud service, and embedded systems.
These are the four projects that I would like to introduce today. Let's move on to the first project.
Adversarial Driving
Attacking End-to-End Driving Models
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Almost all the top 10 teams on the leaderboard use end-to-end driving models.
End-to-End driving models lead to smaller systems and better performance.
For autonomous driving, end-to-end driving models are getting more popular. For example, almost all the top 10 teams in the CARLA autonomous driving challenge use end-to-end driving models.
The End-to-End driving model means the model takes the sensor data, such as camera, liar, as input, and directly outputs driving commands, such as the steering angle and acceleration. Since we have only one end-to-end model, it leads to smaller systems and better performance.
Adversarial Attacks against End-to-End Driving
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The NVIDIA End-to-End Driving Model
Researchers from NVIDIA even tested their end-to-end driving models on a real autonomous driving car.
But are we ready to embrace end-to-end driving models in a safety-critical application? Proir research demonstrated image classification models that use deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial attack, while the driving model is a regression model.
In our research, we have demonstrated that it is possible to attack the end-to-end regressional driving model as well in real time.
Adversarial attacks against image classification [1]
Adversarial attacks against object detection
[1] J. Z. Kolter and A. Madry, Adversarial Robustness - Theory and Practice, NeurIPS 2018 tutorial.
Say for example, on the left side, we have a pig, and it is recognized as a pig by the image classification model. If we apply a small perturbation to the image, we have another pig on the right side.
The perturbation is unperceptible to human eyes, we cannot really tell the difference. right? But the pig on the right side is now recognized as an airliner. Somehow the pig can fly now. So we can attack image classification models by adding a small perturbation to the input image.
Similarly, we can attack object detection models.
Problem Definition
Given an input image 𝑥 and the end-to-end driving model $ y = f(\theta, x) $.
Our objective is to generate an adversarial image $ x^{'} = x + \eta $ such that:
$$ y^{'}=f(𝜃,x^{'}) \neq y $$
To ensure that the perturbation is unperceivable to human eyes:
$$ \Vert x^{'}-x \Vert_2 = \Vert{\ \eta\ }\Vert_2 \leq \xi, \text{where } \xi=0.03 $$
For offline attacks , we can use pre-recorded human drivers' steering angles as the ground truth $y^*$.
$$ \eta = \epsilon\ sign(\nabla_x J(y,\ y^{*} )) $$
For a real-time online attack , we do not have access to the ground truth $y^*$.
$$ \eta = \epsilon\ sign(\nabla_x J(y)) $$
It is unsafe to attack a real autonomous driving car. We first tested our attacks in a autonomous driving simulator. Here we have the NVIDIA end-to-end driving model which was tested on a real autonomous driving car. The driving model takes image from the camera as input and outputs the steering angle directly.
Random Noises
Before applying our attacks, we apply random noises to the input image.
As you can see here, after applying random noises, the output steering angle with and without random noises overlap with each other. They are very close. As a result, random noises have little effect on the end-to-end driving model.
Image-Specific Attack
Output: Steering Angle 𝑦∈[-1, 1]
Decrease the output (left):
$$ J_{left}(y)= - y $$
Increase the output (right):
$$ J_{left}(y)= y $$
We propose two online white-box adversarial attacks against the end-to-end driving model. We attack the driving model by applying adversarial perturbations to the input image.
The image-specfic attack generates adversarial perturbations for each input image. This is a very strong attack. As you can see here, the vehicle gets out of control immediately after applying the adversarial perturbations.
Image-Agnostic Attack
On the other hand, the image-agnostic attack generates a single adversarial perturbations that attacks all input images.
The image-agnostic attack is like an invisible force that makes the vehicle difficult to make a turn at corners, which could cause traffic accidents at some critical points. Like this one. That was close, isn't it?
Adversarial Detection
Attacking Object Detection in Real Time
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Adversarial Filter
Adversarial Patch
Adversarial Overlay
How different attacks apply the perturbation $\delta$ using a binary mask $m \in \{0, 1\}^{wh}$
$x^{'}_{filter} = x + \delta$
$x^{'}_{overlay} = x + m \odot \delta$
$x^{'}_{patch} = (1-m) \odot x + m \odot \delta$
Prior research used adversarial filter and adversarial patch to fool object detection models.
The Adversarial Filter applies the perturbation to the entire input image. The perturbation is unperceivable by human eyes. While the Adversarial Patch applies the perturbation to a small region of the input image, but the perturbation is perceivable by human eyes. Besides, the adversarial patch can control where we fabricate objects, while the adversarial filter cannot.
By combining adversarial filters' imperceptibility and adversarial patches' localizability, we generate adversarial overlays, which means we generate human unperceivable perturbation at a small region of the input image. Mathematically, we summarize how different methods apply the pertubation in different ways.
Let's see a real-time demo. We tested our attacks in ROS Gazebo Simulator. The obeject detection model seems to be stable. Now let's generate some traffic signs in the air. Interesting, isn't it?
Given an input image $x$, the object detection model outputs $S \times S$ candidate bounding boxes $o \in \mathcal{O}$ at three different scales.
Each candidate box $o^i$ contains $(b_x^i, b_y^i, b_w^i, b_h^i, c^i, p_1^i, p_2^i, ..., p_K^i)$ for K classes, where $0 \leq i \leq |\mathcal{O}|$.
$$\begin{aligned} \text{One-Targeted}:\ \mathcal{L}_{adv}^{1}(\mathcal{O}) &= \max_{1 \leq i \leq |\mathcal{O}|}\ [\sigma(c^i) * \sigma(p^i_t)] \\
\text{Multi-Targeted}:\ \mathcal{L}_{adv}^{2}(\mathcal{O}) &= \sum^{|\mathcal{O}|}_{i = 1}\ [\sigma(c^i) * \sigma(p^i_t)] \\
\text{Multi-Untargeted}:\ \mathcal{L}_{adv}^{3}(\mathcal{O}) &= \sum^{|\mathcal{O}|}_{i = 1} \sum_{j=1}^{K}\ [\sigma(c^i) *\sigma(p^i_j)] \end{aligned}$$
where $|\mathcal{O}| = \sum_{1 \leq i \leq 3} S_i \times S_i \times B$, and $S_i$ represents the grid size of the $i_{th}$ output layer ($S \in \{13,26,52\}$, $B=3$).
In the research paper, we introduce how we generate adversarial overlays using three adversarial loss functions. You can also test our attacks without using Turtlebot.
Here we demonstrate our attacks using a USB camera. For example, let's fabricate some objects at right top corner. Now, we have umbrella and person. We open-sourced our system on Guthub.
Adversarial Classification
Distributed Black-box Attacks against Image Classification
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DeepAPI - The Cloud API we attack
We open-source our image classification cloud service for research on black-box attacks.
The cloud API we attack is DeepAPI, an image classification cloud service we open-source for research on black-box attacks.
Here's a quick demo. We can upload images to the cloud server, and receive the classification results.
Besides uploading images from the website, we can also use the API to do image classification so that we can automate the query process to initiate black-box attacks.
DeepAPI Deployment
Using Docker
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 wuhanstudio/deepapi
Serving on port 8080...
Using Pip
$ pip install deepapi
$ python -m deepapi
Serving on port 8080...
To make the deployment of DeepAPI easier, we provide a Docker image as well as a python package which can be installed via pip install deepapi, and start the server using a single command.
Furthermore, we design two general frameworks, horizontal and vertical distribution, that can be applied to existing black-box attacks to reduce the total attack time. (5 min)
How to accelerate Black-Box attacks?
Cloud APIs are deployed behind a load balancer that distributes the traffic across several servers.
Well, how can we accelerate Black-Box attacks?
Black-box attacks rely on queries, which is time consuming. Our experimental results demonstrate that sending out 10 queries concurrently takes roughly the same time as sending out 1 query, which means that we can accelerate black-box attacks by sending out queries concurrently. The more queries we send, the less time each query takes in average.
This is because modern cloud APIs are usually deployed behind a load balancer. The load balancer distributes the traffic across several servers, thus we can get query results of multiple concurrent requests simultaneously. (2min)
Before introducing the cloud service we attack, we notice that ...
Local Models & Cloud APIs
Most prior research used local models to test black-box attacks.
We initiate the black-box attacks directly against cloud services.
Most prior research used local models to test black-box attacks because sending queries to cloud services is slow, while querying a local model with GPU acceleration is much faster.
However, testing black-box attacks against local models could introduce several mistakes in the query process that gave their methtods an unfair advantage. For example, prior research usually resizes input images to be the same shape as the model input and then applies the perturbation, which means they assume they have access to the input shape of the model. Some methods outperformed the state-of-the-art partially because these mistakes gave them access to information that should not be assumed to be available in black-box attacks.
As a result, we initiate black-box attacks directly against cloud services to avoid making similar mistakes, and we apply the perturbation directly to the original input image. (3min)
Attacking Cloud APIs is more challenging than attacking local models
Attacking cloud APIs achieve less success rate than attacking local models.
Attacking cloud APIs requires more queries than attacking local models.
Our experimental results demonstrate that attacking Cloud APIs is more challenging than attacking local models. For local search and gradient estimation methods, attacking cloud APIs achieve less success rate than attacking local models. In our experiments, we limit the number of queries for each image to be at most 1,000, which is quite challenging. As a result, the baseline method only achieves a success rate of roughly 5%.
Besides, attacking cloud APIs requires more queries than attacking local models. For the baseline method, we do not see an evident incrase because the attack success rate is relatively low. Most attacks consume all of the query budget.
Horizontal Distribution
Horizontal Distribuion sends out concurrent queries across images at the same iteration, so we receive the query results for different images simultaneously, and then move on to the next iteration.
The benefit of horizontal distribution is that we do not need to redesign the black-box attacks, we only need to replace the original model query with concurrent queries.
Horizontal distribution reduces the total attack time by a factor of five.
After applying horizontal distribution, we can see that the total attack time is reduced by a factor of five. The total time of attacking 100 images was reduced from over 20h to 4h.
Vertical Distribution
On the other side, vertical distribution sends out concurrent queries across iterations for the same image. For each image, we generate multiple adversarial perturbations and send out queries concurrently across iterations.
For vertical distribution, we need to redesign the black-box attacks to decouple the queries across iterations.
In the research paper, we use both local search and gradient estimation methods as examples to illustrate how to re-design the algorithm to apply vertical distribution.
Vertical distribution achieves succeesful attacks much earlier.
After applying vertical distribution, besides reducing the attack time, both local search and gradient estimation methods achieve early successful attacks. The probability of the original predicted class drops faster.
In conclusion, our research demonstrates that it is possible to exploit load balancing to accelerate online black-box attacks against cloud services.
And we open source our image classification cloud service to facilitate future research on distributed black-box attacks to test if black-box attacks have become a practical threat against machine learning models deployed on cloud servers.
The Man-in-the-Middle Attack
A Hardware Attack against Object Detection
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Deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks.
To achieve real-time adversarial attacks, we need to solve two problems:
How to generate the perturbation? (The PCB Attack)
How to apply the perturbation? (The Man-in-the-Middle Attack)
Now, we see deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, but to achieve real-time adversarial attacks, we need to solve two problems: how to generate the perturbation and how to apply the perturbation efficiently?
We propose the PCB attack to generate the perturbation and the Man-in-the-Middle attack to apply the pertebation.
Step 1: Generating the perturbation (The PCB Attack)
$$ \min_{\mathcal{W}} \ \mathcal{L}_{train} = f(\mathcal{W}; x, \mathcal{O}) \;\;\;\; \max_{x} \ \mathcal{L}_{adv} = f(x; \mathcal{O}^{\ast}, \mathcal{W}) $$
Adversarial Loss:
$$ \mathcal{L}_{PC}(x) = \sum{\sigma(c_i) * \sigma(p_i)} \;\;\;\; \mathcal{L}_{PCB}(x) = \frac{\sum{(\sigma(c_i) * \sigma(p_i)}}{\sum{[\sigma(w_i) * \sigma(h_i)]^2}} $$
In the first step, we generate a single Universal Adversarial Perturbation to fool all the images from the camera. Our method generates more bounding boxes and has less variation.
Prior research used the Mean Accuracy Precision to measure adversarial attacks, but it actually measures the accuracy of the model rather than the strength of the attack. Thus we propose three evaluation metrics to measure the strength of the attack, and we achieve a stronger attack after applying the learning rate decay.
Step 1: Generating the perturbation (The PCB Attack)
Prior Research
Our Method
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No learning rate decay
With learning rate decay
Our method generates more bounding boxes, and have less variation.
In the first step, we generate a single Universal Adversarial Perturbation to fool all the images from the camera. Our method generates more bounding boxes and has less variation.
Prior research used the Mean Accuracy Precision to measure adversarial attacks, but it actually measures the accuracy of the model rather than the strength of the attack. Thus we propose three evaluation metrics to measure the strength of the attack, and we achieve a stronger attack after applying the learning rate decay.
Step 2: Applying the perturbation (The Man-in-the-Middle Attack)
In the next step, to apply the perturbation, prior research introduced digital attack and physical attack. The digital attack requires access to the operating system, but hacking into the operating system is not trivial. The physical attack can print the perturbation on a poster, but the poster needs to be placed close to the camera. This is challenging for robotic applications in dynamic environments.
We propose the hardware attack that injects the perturbation on the hardware level. The hardware attack does not assume access to the detection system and can inject perturbation to all input images captured by the camera.
Here's a quick demo. We have a USB camera and a detection system. We used a raspberry pi version 4 to inject the perturbation. The raspberry pi reads the image from the USB camera, injects the perturbation, and then simulates a virtual camera to the detection system. The detection system has no idea that the image is manipulated.
After injecting the perturbation, the detection system detects a large number of objects everywhere. Unbelievable! Right?
Is Deep Learning Secure for Robots?